pre-marital and post-marital agreements
More and more clients find the need for pre-marital and post-marital agreements. We have developed a successful approach to the creation of these agreements to help you avoid future litigation.
collaborative practice
Anne Hagan is a Collaborative Practice trained attorney. This supportive process seeks to avoid court and utilizes a team approach to craft a custom, enduring resolution based on the individual needs of each particular family. You and your spouse will be part of a team of attorneys, divorce coaches, and a financial consultant who will empower you to make your own decisions. To learn more about Collaborative Practice, please visit the Collaborative Practice San Mateo County website Collaborative Practice - Collaborative Practice San Mateo County.
In mediation, we use our negotiating and legal skills to help you and your spouse work together to reach a resolution. We help you identify areas of agreement and differences and help you understand how the court will view each issue. We then provide you with multiple suggestions and options. In the end, all decisions are made between you and your spouse.
In cases where parties cannot reach a resolution using other means, the attorneys at Canter Hagan possess the trial experience to vigorously represent you in the litigation process.
consulting counsel
We provide consulting counsel services to an individual in mediation with their spouse and a third party mediator. We answer questions, provide guidance, and give feedback on the Marital Settlement Agreement prepared by the mediator. We also provide consultation services for individuals who are in the information gathering stage regarding the divorce or separation process, and who need guidance on what California law provides in terms of their rights and responsibilities regarding division of assets, custody, child and spousal support and attorneys’ fees issues.